
Australian Schools are Joining the Cashless Revolution

A cashless society has been talked about for years with little interest, however, the ongoing pandemic has shifted the mindset of handling cash and coins, with experts reconsidering a cashless model.  While 100% cashless-payments may…

Helping our Children Best Navigate a Tech-Saturated World

The world we live in is becoming increasingly saturated with technology. There is an innate fear that technology and subsequent screen time has extensive negative implications on society and in particular, our youth. There are…

Reverting back to ‘Normal’

We all handle change differently and the revelations of 2020 so far have forced us all to accept change and quickly adapt to our new ‘norm’ as best as we can. As parents, it’s more…

Reaping the Benefits of Continued Online Learning

This year, kids Australia-wide have had to accept with open arms and gravitate towards online learning. For so many parents and students alike, this process was challenging and not something that came easy. It has…

The Implications of a Cashless Society on our Children

The cashless society is on its way, this was apparent long before the COVID pandemic hit. Schools are in a rush to transition to cashless, in an attempt to stay on the forefront of innovation,…

Chip-In and Make a Difference

My School Connect endeavours to make online easy for schools, parents, and students. The focus has always been on streamlining the business operation, reducing the reliance on resources, and making online easy for all. Whilst…

Maximising Potential for Success

Social isolation has been a big problem for students for a number of reasons; loss of peer contact, loss of normalcy, change in routine, and fear of future outlook. One in two young Australian’s say…

Nutrition Made Easy!

The implications of healthy eating on our children’s lives are far reaching. Diet plays a vital role in their health, growth and development. Instilling healthy life choices in our children from a young age increases…

My School Connect Point of Sale – V3.0 release

My School Connect is constantly working to improve the business, innovate the product, and better meet the evolving needs of schools. This year, we have become more focused than ever before on the ‘cashless society’,…

The Bright Side of 2020

2020 has shown the resilience of mankind and how capable we are of handling any challenge that comes our way. There is no doubt that lives have been changed forever – whether having lost a…