Transitioning your Children into a ‘Homeschooling’ Environment

As many schools throughout Australia close their doors today, we enter into new times with the concept of ‘homeschooling’ becoming the new norm. Education is one of the most important facets of our children’s development, and supporting their ongoing learning throughout this period is critical. Many parents are feeling overwhelmed with this new responsibility, but you can now rest assured that the process will be fully supported by so many online platforms, making online learning easy for you and your family!
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Tips for transitioning into a ‘homeschooling’ environment:
- Maintain a schedule – We are all creatures of habit and kids especially thrive off of routine. Try to start/finish the schooling day at your usual time, including breaks throughout the day.
- Provide healthy and nutritious food – Healthy food supports brain function, stabilises energy levels and maintains a positive mood.
- Breaks and downtime – Your kids need adequate breaks throughout the day; they should be getting a mid-morning, lunch and mid-afternoon break to reset and have some ‘time out’. If you have a garden or courtyard, let them play outside and get some Vitamin D! As parent’s, you’ll also need the ‘time out’ to stay sane, so go brew yourself a cuppa and make the most of your childfree break time!
- Have fun! Homeschooling through this Coronavirus pandemic shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Try to think ‘outside-the-box’ to make learning engaging, interesting and fun!
Online resources for ‘homeschooling’:
Below is a list of hand-selected online educational platforms that are now free (for the moment) to schools, parents and kids. They offer a wide array of learning activities, for students from Prep/Kindergarten through to High School.
Scholastic Learning at Home – Day-by-day projects to keep kids learning, thinking and growing. Supporting Prep/Kindergarten right through to Grade 9.
BreakoutEDU – A collection of digital games that will make learning fun!
Khan Academy – Here you will find a daily schedule for your child, that you can adopt fully, or tweak to better suit your needs. The Khan Academy provides free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere.
EdHelpers – For those parents with the capacity to be a little more involved, EdHelpers provides access to dynamic worksheets, increasing intelligence and creativity. Supporting Preschool through to High school.
Studies Weekly – A customised, standards-based curriculum increasing student knowledge, skills and disposition for well-being.
CK-12 – Providing every child on the planet with equal access to great education! From simulations to class assignments, this online resource really has it all!
It’s incredible to see the world unite through this challenging time. Online ‘homeschooling’ providers have moved their business model to ‘free’ in order to support the educational needs of children throughout the world. You now have free access to a wealth of resources, at your doorstep, so make the most of them and try to maintain some level of ‘normal’ in your home. Whilst transitioning into homeschooling can be overwhelming and daunting for many, let’s grab a hold of this opportunity, try to focus on the positives rather than the negatives and remember, this too shall pass!
My School Connect has just launched it’s Parent Hub on Facebook; a platform designed to provide a space for parents to communicate on all things school-related. Be sure to join the group and keep us informed on your progress with ‘homeschooling’!