Preparing Kids for Back-to-School!

The day so many parents have long awaited is fast approaching and kids in some states are making their way back to the classroom, full-time. Understandably, there is unrest and anticipation in the community as parents fear sending their kids back to school. It was such a challenging adjustment, acclimating to life in lockdown, the process of undoing this acclimation seems to be equally challenging. For the most part, sending kids back to school is not an option, it’s an expectation. Rather than worrying about something we cannot control, let’s focus on those things that we can, and what we can do to best prepare our kids for the months to come!
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!1. Hygiene
We are now forced to think about what we touch, refrain from touching our faces, and washing our hands several times each day. No doubt, your child knows of these new ‘rules’. Be sure to place a bottle of hand sanitiser in your child’s school bag for them to use throughout the school day.
2. Social distancing
This one is for the parents! While children in the classroom may NOT be required to social distance, parents will need to continue to do so, as will teachers. Keep this in mind, especially during school drop-off / pick-up and in the staff rooms.
3. Stay in-the-know
Another one for the parents! Whilst schools are trying to go back to business-as-usual, there remain some key differences. For example, drop-off / pick-ups will be staggered, there will be no excursions and no school assemblies. Things are changing rapidly so be sure to stay in touch with your child’s school and check in for any special announcements.
4. Order online
Where possible, opt for online ordering. This is one key way to minimise close contact with others, maintain social distance, and minimise any cash handling. Now, more than ever before, is the time to process your child’s lunch orders online. Despite advice for kids in the school being more lax, it’s always best to ‘play it safe’!
5. Nutrition & lifestyle
As we enter the Winter months, nutrition will play a vital role in keeping our kids healthy. Coupled with adequate sleep and daily activity, we can help boost their immune system and keep those nasty bugs at bay! For those schools using My School Tuckshop, you have the added convenience of easy access to healthy meal options for your kids – be sure to choose wisely and try to meet their daily recommended nutrition intake.
There is so much that we can do together to make a difference. With restrictions easing, it is easy to slip into old habits and revert back to life as we once knew it. The coming months will be critical to the continued success in the fight against COVID-19. The landscape is changing rapidly and we all need to move with the times, but let’s be smart about it. After all, safety does come first! My School Connect is just one piece of the puzzle but placing orders online, whether you’re ordering your child’s Friday lunch or purchasing a new uniform, it can make all the difference.
If you’d like to take your school online, or add an additional My School Connect module, contact us today