My School Connect FREE has Launched!

Gone are the days where only the elitists have access to innovative technology that can really revolutionise school life for school staff, parents and children. This year, we have been looking for ways to make the My School Connect product offering available to all schools Australia-wide, irrespective of their financial capacity. This has been of particular importance this year, as COVID-19 has significantly affected the financial viability of so many businesses and schools globally. As such, we have launched My School Connect FREE as a means to help those in need.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!What is My School Connect FREE?
My School Connect FREE is a subscription option available to all schools nationally. It includes the essential features and functionality necessary for effective use of the system. There are no loopholes and it’s not a sales ploy. It is merely a replica of the system with some order limitations, allowing us to offer it completely free of charge to those schools in need of an online management tool for their school.
Is it really FREE?
YES! As mentioned previously, there are no loopholes. My School Connect FREE is 100% free for schools. For parents, fees apply for credit card and PayPal payment processing. Via bank transfer, My School Connect FREE is 100% free for parents too.
Why has My School Connect FREE been launched now?
What better time than the present! As schools have been hard-hit by the effects of COVID-19, it’s not only essential to automate processes where possible, cost cutting is vital in supporting the ongoing viability of schools, and going cashless will assist in preventing Coronavirus transmission. As schools start their transition back-to-school, with face-to-face schooling starting in just a few weeks, we want to get all schools online and we want to do it fast.
Which schools can take advantage of My School Connect FREE?
It’s available for all schools Australia-wide until the end of May 2020. Following on, it will be limited to Primary Schools only. There are no restrictions in terms of school size, location or type.
What are the main differences?
My School Connect FREE offers all the same features and functionality, with a few minor limitations:
- 100 orders/week
- 5 menu categories
- 30 products
- Limited reporting functions
- Limited printing options
- Limited product settings
- Canteen module only
- Limited customer support, MSC FREE is self-serve
- No marketing material
How long does it take to take my school online with My School Connect FREE?
This depends on your schools needs though we have been taking schools online in as little as 24 hours.
With schools starting the transition back to ‘business as usual’, now is the perfect time to take your school online. What better way to do so than with a risk-free, cost-free, simple and efficient system.
Contact us today – we are here to help!