Fundraising with My School Connect

Fundraising is like packing! Everything must have its place, every little detail needs to be organized, and one of the most difficult aspects of school fundraising events is the organizing of money. Dealing with sales, collections and the keeping of fundraiser monies is overwhelming. It is the one area of the project that is almost always disorganized, out of control and rarely accurate. Still, it’s in the efficient management of the money and donations that we can measure the success or failure of a school fundraiser. 

Schools often use volunteers to administer the fundraiser and they are far and few between. We take all the administration work for you. At My School Tuckshop we handle all your fundraiser cash and payment issues. You don’t need to appoint a staff or parent to handle the money, the sales or the record keeping. It is all organized efficiently online.  We add a website page for your fundraiser with your personal logo and design.  This gives your fundraising team a full admin area to view sales, profits, analysis and products, allowing you to make quick adjustments to your sales process. 

We Handle Everything No more worries! We handle the entire fundraising process; from sales to profit calculations. Our system allows for donations, purchases and offers an easy organization of the process.
Simplicity A program that is intuitive and easy for anyone to use, even users with no computer experience, yet complex enough to fulfill all fundraising needs.
Already a Customer? Customers need only choose the fundraising products they want from your list. Billing information is already in the system.
Extensive Dashboard The system makes it easy for both parents and Tuck Shop workers, it is also complex enough to run important statistics.
Comparison of other sites & My School Tuckshop costs
  Other Sites My School Tuckshop
Book an event Yes Yes
Charge client for per ticket purchased .30c Optional/Nil
Cost to event organiser per transaction .50c Optional/Nil
% Cost to organiser for using Credir Card 2.5% 1.9%
Option to charge purchaser Credit Card fees No Yes
Option to use Paypal to purchase ticket No Yes
Option to charge for cost of transation to purchaser No Yes (Any Amount)
Option to ask for Donation Yes (Min $1) Yes (No Min)
Refund Charge to purchaser per ticket .30c Nil
Dashboard and tracking facilities Yes Yes
Allowingg ticket quantities per table Yes Yes
Support St Bede's Community and School No Yes
Example Cost of $120 ticket to the Mother's Day Dinner, Assume 2 tickets per family:
Using a Credit Card $5.54 $4.18
Using Paypal Not Available $6.96
Cost to purchaser .60c Nil
Cost of Money No more lost revenue. This system prevents cash loss or issues arising from inconsistencies in the financials. No lost, stolen or missing cash.
Effective Marketing Reach thousands of people instantly. Our fundraising process allows for better marketing. You no longer have to perform those arduous conventional marketing tasks.
Lost Revenue The system prevents lost revenue due to ineffective marketing. It increases sales substantially by reaching more people.
Extra Donations Upsell easily with the Extra Donation feature. Approximately 80% of all participants will click this feature adding more revenue to the project.
The Statistics Although the online fundraiser option at My School Tuckshop is very intuitive and easy to use, it is also very complete. It offers daily and weekly statistics as to the progress of all sales and revenue. This allows for easy to view progress reports that allow you to adjust sales and donation information.
This graph form gives you up to the minute information on donations and sales for your fundraising event. It's a form that is easily identified by both donors and tuckshop workers. This prevents lost funds and revenue, but also allows you to plan the ensuing part of the project according to the easy to read statistics.